Thursday, November 4, 2010

What's A Camel Got To Do With It?

I had some notes with lots of little comments to blog about but couldn't find a good theme to start with.  So what better place to start than with a picture of Lucie and I and a camel?!  ING DIRECT had it's 10 year anniversary party at a big convention center in Wilmington last week.  We hired in a lot of security so I didn't have to work that night (lots of work prepping before though!).  The Delaware Symphony Orchestra played background to a Cirque de Soleil type of performing group and the the theme of the night was a 1001 Arabian Nights.  Lots of good food and a good show.  And camels of course.  And just so you can never say my blogs aren't educational, camels live to be about 50 years old.

So we had a good night that night and then I was able to obtain some $500 tickets for the public show two nights later (for FREE!).  We went back and took Elliott (Ashleigh's boyfriend had bought her tickets to a concert in Philadelphia).  Same show but a much fancier night.  Timing was everything as we got there just ahead of the CEO so I was able to shake his hand and the #2 in the company too (they went back too as ING sponsored the event).  And the family urologist was there so we talked to him too.  (Lucie was reluctant to at first but I explained that there really was no one there who knew me better than him...!).  I am sure there were people wondering who we were that could afford expensive tickets just as we wondered the same about them.

"Family urologist?" you ask.  Yes - oddly enough, they found a kidney stone in Lucie while doing other tests.  So this morning I took her in to get that blasted.  Pretty strange that we both have them but we really don't eat everything in common.  It just so happens.  She is doing fine - coming out from and recovering from the anesthesia is the hardest part.

Ashleigh's birthday party was fun and low key.  She had some friends over for cake and food and s'mores by the firepit.  Earlier that day we went to the Stevenson University Open House.  She wants to go there for college next year to get her nursing anesthetist degree.  Its about an hour away.  Beautiful rural campus but very near civilization too.  It is one of the top rated nursing schools and was clean and modern and well maintained.  After sitting through the financial session, I think we can scrounge up enough money to send for a full 3 days;  maybe an entire week!

Ashleigh played her last field hockey game this week.  We have a serious issue with her coach that I will be resolving very soon.

It is chilly out now and we have to scrape the windshields in the morning.  Lucie mentioned the other day that she may start parking outside so Ashleigh can park in the garage.  I pulled rank and said if she decides she is parking outside, then I am parking in the garage.  It's privilege enough to have her own car to drive to school, we don't have to warm it up for her too!  Why when I was her age, I had to get up an hour early to shovel a path to my car...

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