Tuesday, April 28, 2009


To the right is close up picture of pollen. You could look at that or up my nose or all over the cars... It is wicked bad out right now. I bet I set a record for continuous sneezes today while mowing the yard. But I persevered and got the yard all trimmed and mowed. Looking pretty good out there.

Today Ashleigh lost a close lacrosse game, 12-14. They led 4-1 early but then couldn't finish. Ashleigh had a great assist but it just wasn't enough.

However, the Celtics did have enough and won in overtime! Thrilling game. Elliott and I had a good time watching that.

Elliott went in for physical therapy on his finger the other day but it was pretty non-eventful. There was some confusion between his surgeon and the PT guy as to what exactly was to be done. They wound up making him a customized splint for his finger and taking some range of motion measurements. He cleaned his finger too but we made an appointment to go back next week to see about moving the last joint.

It's been pretty darn hot here the past few days but will drop back to the 70's soon. The woods behind the house have suddenly turned all green. It looks nice around here now.

Tomorrow the kids have dental appointments - Ashleigh to get a cavity filled and Elliott to get some castings and measurements for some braces in a few months.

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