Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lacrosse Banquet

Tonight was Ashleigh's lacrosse banquet night. She got her varsity letter and pin. The pictures above were taken during the season and posted around the school cafeteria (where the banquet was) and she could take them afterwards. She got several certificates from the school and district for getting good grades. And the seniors gave gifts to the players. One mother, who is also the school art teacher, made mirrors for all the players and she got a water bottle and shorts. It was a nice night. Good food too.

Tomorrow night is her Cambridge program banquet. That is the advanced program she is in at school.

Elliott used his savings to buy an iTouch yesterday. He is loving that.

Buttercup the snake re-appeared today. The other morning we had deer in the woods behind the house. That got the beagle all riled up.

Tomorrow I am meeting a friend for coffee, then going to a security luncheon to earn continuing education points, and in the evening is the other banquet.

I am still wrestling with some timing issues regarding some decisions. No clear definition on which way to go or when to do things. I can see both sides of the decision but can't figure out which way is the "right" way to go. Keep Lucie and I in prayer.

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