Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back Pain Gone

Monday night I went to bed with my back still nagging me and feeling pretty uncomfortable. Woke up Tuesday morning feeling 95% better! Unbelievable. I don't know what happened but I will claim healing... I took it easy yesterday and will again today. (Why not?!) I have a little twinge every now and then on one side but otherwise, I am feeling great. Weird how it came and suddenly went. Let's hope it stays gone.

I cleaned out the grill yesterday and did a few errands. The pool water was up higher than I like for the winter so I tried to siphon off some of the water using a long garden hose. After about 20 mouthfuls of pool water and it still not flowing out on its own, I went looking for a pump. Couldn't find anything cheap so I tried to use a drill pump thing. That promptly burned out so it was back to the siphon option. I finally got that started. It is draining slowly but at least it is draining. My brother contacted me and he is going to make me some clear skimmer lids. I mailed him one of the ones I have now for a template. I can't wait for that. Now I will see what lies beneath before I lift the lid.

As I expected, a couple of the employment possibilities got delayed. I still have a couple more I am hopeful about and may find out some more info this afternoon on one of them.

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