Sunday, February 15, 2009

Paradise Closed

Lucie wanted to take a ride out to a scrapbooking store in Hershey, Pennsylvania today but that is about an hour and 40 minute ride one way and I didn't want to drive that whole way to just sit in the car when we got there. So we decided to go to the outlets in Lancaster, PA - one hour away. Then Lucie found there was a scrapbooking store in Paradise, PA which was sort of on the way out there. So we followed the GPS and it took us all over the countryside and through all sorts of Amish farmland. We finally got to the 'store' which was how I imagined it would be - part of someone's home! We pulled in at 1:35 and it had closed at 1! Lucie was texting all the way out there - I guess it was just unimaginable to use that phone to actually make a call and see if the place was open! It was no big deal as the outlets were only about 5 miles away from there but I know Lucie was disappointed.

We ate lunch at the Sonic there. That is always fun. Then did a little shopping. Elliott is outgrowing his pants about every week so we got him some pants and a new shirt. When we got back, we went to a friend's house to help them prepare a presentation display for an awards ceremony at church tomorrow night. That will be a good time.

On the way home, the GPS locked up about 5 times. Once I had to pull over and reboot it and wait because I didn't know where we were or where we were going! I need to look into that.

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