Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spring Shedding

What you see to the left is just some of the hair I brushed out of Jasmine today. It is a nice sunny day with a little wind - perfect dog brushing day. We have one of those "de-thatching" brushes that I use on her to comb out the hair. I brush the same place 25 times and come out with a load of hair every time! Then it mostly blows away. I picked up a bunch of the big clumps. Jasmine doesn't mind and it doesn't hurt her. She looks much skinnier when we are done. I often find her hair in the birds' nests around here.

The other day it was windy and my tin foil that I put up near the bird feeder blew away. So today I hung a CD between the tree and the feeder. Hopefully that will deter the squirrels and not scare the birds away.

Our friends have their house under contract to be sold so we have spent a little time with them looking at new places. That is pretty fun.

Elliott has his team basketball lunch today at a pizza place. We will go there with him. Nothing else planned. For the moment.

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