Thursday, November 27, 2008

Contact Me

It is Thanksgiving but I will spare you the typical "I am thankful for..." ramblings. Not that I am not thankful for ALL that I have, but the list would be way too long for here and some thing or some one would be left out. I am a very fortunate and blessed person and am thankful for all I have. Hmm, I guess I rambled anyway...

Yesterday morning I opened my contact lens cleaner case and somehow one of the lenses split during the night. How in the world did that happen? Maybe I caught it in the act of some form of fission replication (so that is where contact lenses come from...). So I reached into my supply box and only had lens left. I called Costco for a refill but my prescription had expired. I called the eye doctor but they can't see me until December 29! I made an appointment and they were kind enough to order some lenses to get me by (I usually change them once a month but just in case another one should decide to attempt to reproduce I want some on standby). But that of course raises the question of why the heck do you need a prescription for contacts? I haven't heard of someone overdosing on them or selling them on the street corners. If they require a prescription for them, why not shoes? Makes just about as much sense. Moving on...

One of the springs on the garage door snapped again yesterday. It makes a wicked bang when it lets go. There is a safety cable that runs down the middle of it to keep it from wreaking too much damage when it lets go but it severed the cable. Didn't do any damage and I got it all back together. What happens is the hook end of the spring snaps off. So I thread the remainder part of the spring around the anchor like putting a key on a key chain. We use the garage for our main house entry so it gets a workout many times a day. Elliott said he thought he heard soda cans exploding when it broke too. In a completely unrelated yet weird-timing situation, one of the soda cans in the garage fridge froze and exploded! What is even weirder is that it was a Coke One can - none others are frozen and last week we noticed another Coke One can had frozen (but not exploded). I dialed down the fridge then but not enough I guess. I wonder what it is about those particular sodas that lend themselves to freezing more than others.

I managed to get all the leaves blown to the back fence yesterday before it got dark. I am going out soon to rake them up and over the fence into the woods behind the house.

Lucie is busy cooking away. We plan to eat around 4.

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