Thursday, December 11, 2008


My appointment with the endodontist (not to be confused with a run-of-the-mill dentist, was this morning. When I got to the office, I had to watch an ancient video that looked like it was produced by the Dharma Initiative in Lost. I tried my best to talk the doctor out of doing the root canal but he would have none of it. I told him I was not having any pain and maybe I just needed the broken tooth fixed. He did some tests including putting some cold Freon on the tooth. I didn't feel a thing which is good because he said if the tooth was healthy, I would have been on the ceiling! Now wait a second - what kind of a test is that?! On the other hand, it was bad because that meant my nerve was damaged so the canalling had to proceed. What he did is demonstrated above. Basically he drills out all four roots of the tooth, fills them with some anti-bacterial, and fills it. Took a little over an hour in the chair but was pain free and mostly not uncomfortable. No big deal. Except for the bill...

Rainy day here today so of course the outside net lights started acting up. I took one net in that was only half lighting, checked every bulb and the fuses, but it still was out. I did the famous Hale whack on them and they all lit up. I went out and put it back on and all is good.

CCast read my blog yesterday again and called me this morning asking me about my "complaint" about having to wait in line at the service center. So I reiterated what I wrote - the center is too far away and is understaffed.

Elliott has his first basketball game tonight but he is still weak from being sick to his stomach yesterday. He will make an appearance but probably won't be at 100%. Tonight is my basketball night too. Maybe I can use his upset stomach as my excuse too...

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