Monday, April 21, 2008

Hit the Brakes

Well I went from moving fast to what you see at the left today. It is a long story but basically, the headhunter group I met with today turned out to be a fee based service. And I mean a big fee based service. I thought it might be that and was willing to listen to what they had to offer. BUT, there were plenty of flags to tell me that this company was not on the up and up - their office was tiny and a common receptionist serviced all of the building tenants on the floor, the person interviewed before me was lead out through a different exit (not the lobby), etc. More importantly, the managing partner I met with spent the first hour talking about his company and his credentials and his employment history. Never once went over my skills and work history except to review my resume (and actually did make some minor recommendations). I finally pressed him to talk about the job offer I originally saw and what drew me in. He gave me some convuluted story about the position but basically, it didn't exist and his company posted it pro bono for a client. Sounded like a bait and switch to me. I will not be going forward with this outfit (MGA Careers by the way) and was so disappointed. I left one company for ethical reasons, and I am not about to get involved with another one with questionable ethics.

So I made my way through the traffic home and Lucie had a good supper waiting. Distracted myself with a movie and a few emails.

Tomorrow is another day.

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