Saturday, September 27, 2008

Back Fire

As I continue to battle this back pain, I continue to try new treatments. All day I have been wearing some heat pads (like the chemical hand warmer packs) on my back and on top of that, a heavy duty wrap brace thing. Been feeling much better. I decided to add some Ultra Ben Gay to the mix today. Whoa boy what a mistake. I took off the heat packs and had Lucie rub some Ben Gay on there. Felt OK for a second. Then I put the heat packs back on and a volcano erupted on my back! Burning and burning! Lucie wiped it off with a paper towel and I raced to the shower. I think my back must have been sensitive by having the heat pad on there all day. Yowza. At least for a few minutes it was a different pain to deal with...

Ashleigh's team got killed in field hockey yesterday 10-0. She and Elliott got home after 8 (he was at birthday party at a rock climbing wall). Then we watched the debate for a while.

Today was errand day and Ashleigh had a short practice at a park far away. It was raining off and on and very humid. The grocery store near us had a grand re-opening day today so we went there and made our way through the free food giveaway tables. That should take care of us for supper...

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